wall-faced means people who're not realizing their mistakes, even though we've mentioned it clearly in front of them..
well, i got one "friend" who're being a wall-faced person.
this started when i introduced her to my childhood friend.
just say her name is A, and my childhood friend is B.
A always telling me, through texts or calls, saying that she don't like him and B is not her type..
while B, always texting and calling me, asking my opinion about A, and his chance to be A's bf.
well i was like a cupid since i always saying good things bout A to B.
finally B completely fallen in love with A.
stink love, i say.
A was asking my best friend, C, about a way to make B forgets her.
well it clearly showed me that A really don't like B.
if that so, then why that time she always replies B's texts to her, and answers B's call to her.
what a hypocrites.
she finally becomes B's gf.
i gone mad, remembering A was using her ex to pick her up and transports her wherever she wants,
i'm sure she's going to use B to be her new transport so she don't have to waste money on transports if she's going somewhere.
i mentions something a lil bout her, and she suddenly saying me and C are trash.
but then she suddenly asked why and what is her fault, being so confident that the one me and C were talking about is her.
well, she's right, me and C was talking bout her.
but what makes her can realize me and C was talking about her?
hey that's quite weird :))
she said she feels forgotten since ME AND C NEVER TEXT HER OR ELSE..
HELLOOOO we've texting you, asking you to go out with us but you didn't reply that time!
damn =_=
now who're the one who must be the trash? >:(
now i know her real side!
damn why i can be friends with such a hypocrites person like her?!
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