Wednesday, April 28, 2010

found new friend in ameba pico!

11:58 pm
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

today is my first time to play ameba pico in facebook ^^
i met new friends!

lily, maelii, and shyni!
they're really nice..
and it's really surprising that maelii and shyni (from france) loves japan so much!
oh should i say it as.. They love japan and asian place so much!

wheee i'm really glad ^^
really glad to meet them :)
hope me can be a good friend for them though ^^

i haven't talk much to lily yet, but looks like she's nice ^____^
i'm so happy!
i really love to have more friends!
oh yeah, lily is from scotland XD
and she's really funny <3


  1. is ameba pico a good application? haven't tried it yet but I think it's good since aloooot of our friends like sophie likes it too!

  2. ahaha! hmmmm well yeah it's quite good ^^
