Tuesday, April 27, 2010

First Blog about myself

oh well..

April 27, 2010

Oh GOD! i really hate the word "*****"..
it always reminds me of someone who betrayed me, and saying lies that i never allow her to make friends with others..

looks like her name will always haunts me in my entire life, though.. =_="
really, really hate that word so much..
feels like going to vomit anytime i hear or see that word..

it's just that, i'm really curious.
so all this time she thinks i never allow her to make friends with other?
if that so, i'll let her answer some questions for me.
"Did i ever say 'don't go with him/her' whenever you're going somewhere with your friends?"
"Did i ever mad when you don't want to eat lunch together with the others at the canteen?"
"Who's the one who always got angry if there's someone that we hate joins us when we're going somewhere?"

Hey, telling you the truth, I'm not your mom. =_="
i don't care if you're going to make friends with prostitutes or gays or what..
as long as we're friends, i'm really fine with that..

but just because of a lil misunderstanding, you said lies bout me to everyone?

i still remember that you called H's gang and Tania are "FREAK."
and now you're trying to get close with them?
oh yeah, exception for that Tania who're affecting you with fake truths about me.

i guess you really lost your heart.